Thursday, February 14, 2013

All we needs is Love

Love VS Fear 

In Judaism there are two fundamental ways to relate to G-d, one is through"love" while the other is "fear".

 I have thought about this concept for a while, and have come to the conclusion that these two emotions drive all of our feelings.  Most anger is a result of some fear; fear of loss, fear of consequences, fear of inadequacies. These fears i believe, can only be healed with love.  Love and belief that those fears will not fears will never actualize. So in short I am putting this theory to the test. I have been going through a difficult time in my life and wonder if a love and fearless based outlook will help get me on my feet.  Between my grandmother in the hospital with Ovarian cancer, my brother dealing with daily nervous breakdowns, my step mom battling brain cancer and  my daily challenges a fearless outlook is my only hope.

I thought Valentines Day would be a good day to start.  Now I am not Christian and really do not have any feelings on Saint Valentine.  However, the one thing that Hallmark got right is everyone needs love. Everyone (Especially Women) want to feel appreciated.  Now I do not have a significant other, nor have I ever, but this Valentines Day I would like to be my Valentine.  I am giving myself a few gifts 

1. This Blog (Where I can release all of my negativity and fear)
2. A 21 Day Detox (To rid me of toxins)
3. Hope - Hope that each of us has the power to help ourselves.  We often look for others to carry us in hard times, but what if we could do it on our own.  And what is that is what stops negative trends from re-ac curing.